Announcements for Week of November 6, 2022
REMEMBER: Set your clock back one hour on Sat. Nov. 5th so you will be on time on Sunday, November 6th!
ELECTION DAY, November 8th, Tuesday! Polls will be opened from 8 am - 8 pm. Be a good citizen and steward of your right to vote and get out to vote! Impartial voter guides are available with a QR code link at the back under our bulletin and sermon note QR codes. There are also some hard copies of voter guides at the back.
Wednesday Simple Supper for November 9th, 4:45 pm - 5:45 pm. This week's supper is Soup & Sandwiches, Salad, Chips and Cookies
Wednesday Programs include Men's and Ladies Bible Studies, Student Ministries, Olympians for grades 1-6th. These start at 6:00 pm and end at 7:30 pm!
Missionaries of the week: Kyle and Jaime Sutton serve with International Board of Jewish Missions in the country of Australia. Pray for them this week!
Do you love to sing? Consider joining the choir! There is a sign- up sheet on the table behind the media center! Sign up there or see Pastor Josiah if you are interested and want more information.
Teens get ready for REVERB 2022! We will be going to Word of Life Reverb on Friday, November 18th in Atlanta! Get information and sign up at the back table behind the media center!
Churchwide Thanksgiving Dinner will be on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd, in COH-100. We will have praise and testimony time that evening and there will not be any Wednesday meetings that week.
Community Groups for adults and Sunday School for children meet each Sunday at 9:30 am. We have a group for you and your child and your neighbors!
The Word of Life Quiet Times were ordered are a table in the back. We encourage each family to use this tool to study God's Word together as a family. The Quiet Times are age graded so each family member has age graded content on the same passage of Scripture studied each day. Make it a goal to study God's Word together as a family this year. The cost is $20 per Quiet Time Diary. If you missed this order and would like to order one or a set for your family please speak with Daniel Francis to get information.
The next Women's Missionary Society meeting will be Tuesday, November 8th at 12:30 pm. The ladies meet in the Fellowship Hall of Iglesia Bautista on Hickory Valley Rd.
We have "Every Man a Warrior" groups for Men and "Cultivating Holy Beauty" Discipleship groups meeting weekly. If you would like to be involved in a new groups please talk with Robert and Heather Painter.
Remember to pick up a bag for the Homeless & Hungry so you are ready to hand one out this week! They are located in the back of the church.
Stay up to date with all that is happening by visiting our Church of the Highlands Page on Facebook!
We now have a Church of the Highlands website app. It is available at the Google and Apple Play stores. Go to the play store and search for the "ChurchSpring" app.