Highlands Kid's
Sunday: 9:30 am Sunday School
On Sunday mornings we meet in Building 100. We provide a short time of fun with a purpose tied into the lesson that will follow. Our lessons are centered around God's Word. Our teachers is Susan McCurdy. Currently we are using the "Biblical Character Illustrated Curriculum" to teach lessons from Bible Characters that focus on character qualities such as Wisdom, Kindess, Attentiveness, and Obedience. There are 48 character qualities and we will be focusing on one character quality each month with four different lessons that teach and encourage the children to build godly character in their lives. (You may see a video about this curriculum at " What is the Biblical Character Illustrated Curriculum? on Vimeo) Follow the underlined link to view the video.
Children's Church
At 10:30 we bring the children over to the greeting area in the main auditorium to be picked by their parents. The children sit with their parents for the music portion of our worship service and then are excused to go to Children's Church. Children's church is provided in the same building. Currently we have been working our way chronologically through the Bible. We view a short video or have a lesson related to a specific event or Biblical character, and have a short discussion to apply the main concept to the lives of the children . If we have time left over we go outside to play kickball, gaga ball, etc. until the adult service is finished. We give out a short homework handout each week that reinforces the lesson. When children return the handout or show work from their Quiet Times on the next Sunday they are able to get a small reward from our "Treasure Box" .
Wednesday: 6:00 pm OLYMPIAN CLUB
On Wednesday nights we meet for our Olympian Program in Building 100. Olympians is a program from Word of Life Ministries. We endeavor to teach children how to do a daily quiet time, pray and memorize Scripture. Children are given opportunities to earn rewards medals/trophies) from the program at the end of the year. Monthly they earn "Bible Bucks" by participating at church, memory work, and Quiet Time entries. The last Wednesday of each month we have our "Olympian Store" where children can spend their reward "bucks" for that month by buying various small games, toys, food items that they can enjoy. Church of the Highlands has age graded Quiet Times for the whole family that allows the entire family to have age appropriate Quiet Time together on the same passage/topic.