March 05, 2025
4:45 PM - 6:45 PM
Building 100 - 6621 Hunter Rd. Harrison, TN 37341
Wednedsay Simple Suppers: Join us for our Wednesday Simple Suppers that are provided before the Wednesday Programs. The Suppers are served from 4:45 pm - 5:45 pm. (Donation basket is available of suggested $2 per person or $5 max per family). We serve a weekly rotation of four meals.
First Wednesdays: - Pizza/Salad/Chips/Cookies
Second Wednesdays: Soup (Chicken & Noodle/Tomato Or Vegetable Beef) Ham & Turkey Sliders, Salad,Chips & Cookies
Third Wednesdays: Chicken Strips & Nuggets OR Hotdogs/Chips/ Salad/Dessert
Fourth Wednesdays: Walking Taco's/Chips/Salad/Cookies
Fifth Wednesdays: Fried Chicken/Mashed Potatoes/Green Beans/ Dessert
*** Sandwich Bread/PB & J is also available each week.***
Bible Study Programs: There is a program for each age group. Pre-school meets in the Nursery area of the Main Auditorium. Elementary age kids meet in COH -100 for Olympians. Students 7 - 12th grade meet at the top center of the Dream Center for Word of Life Club 51
Ladies and Men's as well as mixed Bible Study groups meet in the lower level of the Dream Center.
Register by clicking "read more" which will take you to the event page. A blue register button is located on the bottom of the page. Click register and it will give you a form to fill out. Fill that out then hit "register" to complete the registration for the event. This helps us to know how many to expect for the meal. Thank you!